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We are honored to be the Gold medal winner in multiple book award competitions. Use code "Gold20" at checkout to get 20% off!

(offer not valid on already discounted Donation books)

Wishing Shelf Award Medal (gold transparent)- Gold Winner Childrens Book for 6-8 year olds

Gold Medal Award winner of The Wishing Shelf Book Awards in the 6-8 year old category

Readers Favorite gold-shiny-web.png

Reader's Favorite
Gold Medal Winner 


Amazon Best Seller in Multiple Categories with over 300 5-star reviews

About The Mighty Mila Book Donation Program: 
Representation matters - help support the mission of providing Mighty Mila to deaf/hard of hearing kids and non-profit organizations!

Donated books will be provided by the author to deaf/hard of hearing children and educators through local children's hospitals, schools and hearing loss organizations. 

I currently partner with the following organizations to gift books to children/educators.  Please include the code in parentheses if you'd like your donated books to be provided to a specific organization.  If not specified, the author will decide based on highest need. 
NYU Langone Cochlear Implant Center (NYU),
- Center for Hearing and Communication (CHC)
- White Plains Hospital (WPH)
- Friends of the Hearing Center at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (FOTHC)

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